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Rituals of Kashmiri Pandits are very Important, Pt. Prem Nath Shastri Sanskrtik Shodh Sansthan has p.....
Humanity is going through a difficult time. The situation across the globe is having its impact on t.....
War is nothing but a matrix of many battles fought in many sectors within the theatre. When it comes.....
This work probes the circumstances surrounding the ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide of Kashmir.....
Antim Sanskar Vidhi: A Guide to Hindu Funeral Rites" is a comprehensive book that offers guidance on.....
"Ashant Kashmir: Chunotiyan aur Samadhan" by Jagmohan is a thought-provoking exploration of the chal.....
Bahuroopagarbh ( बहुरूपगर्भ) by vijayshwar panchang karyalay.....
KASHMIR was on edge when a combined force of 6,000 Kabailis and the Pakistan army personnel was welc.....
General Zorawar Singh must need no introduction. His daring military campaigns across the Great Hima.....
Miracles do HappenRight from my young age, I have been hearing about miracles from various people, p.....
Bhavani Sahasranama By Pt. Omkar Nath Shastri of Vijeshwar Karyalaya.....
Buy Bhawani Sahasranamavali (भवानी सहस्रनामावली) Published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay.....
Immerse yourself in the charm and beauty of Kashmir with our captivating collection of rhymes and fo.....
Between March and August 1947, the political environment in the Indian Subcontinent underwent a chur.....
धार्मिक- सज्जनोपयोगिनी पंडितकेशव भट्टज्योतिर्विदासंस्कृता -- शोधितास्तोत्रावलीसंवलिता चइयम्देवीप.....
Doon is a short story collection portraying the loss of a collective and individual identity due to.....
EYES WIDE OPEN by Ranjna Raina is an authentic, first-person account of the events, past and present.....
This is a biographical account by a reputed scientist who is a Kashmiri Pandit by birth and who was .....
Any reference to the 1947-48 conflict invariably takes our minds to Kashmir. Kashmir’s significance .....
Buy Ganesh Sahasranamavali (गणेश सहस्रनामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay (.....
Hamari Sanskriti Ke Mool Stotra by Omkar Nath Shastri.....
From the day one of the marriage of a Kashmiri Pandits, Kashmiri Womens use to sing Vanvun, Kashmiri.....
'Henzey Vanvun' is a uniform type of song exclusively sung by Kashmiri Pandit women in kashmiri lang.....
The Valley of Kashmir has been a hotspot in the world for the last seventy-five years, a victim to t.....
The Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir was invaded during the first week of October 1947 when, we.....
We all are aware that language is a means to communicate but when the language is mother tongue then.....
The situation in Kashmir Valley on 27 October 1947 had got out of hand and the administration had co.....
Buy Book on Kah Naethar (Jatakaram Samskar) by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya Written By&nb.....
Kalash Pooja Ke Lie Istemaal Kiya Jaane Vaala Ek Anushthaan Hai कलश पूजा के लिए इस्तेमाल किया .....
Buy Karamkand Deepak published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya written by Pt. Omkar Nath Shast.....
#KashmirHeritage #CulturalStudy #SNNPandit.....
"Modern Sanskrit Author Series", 'Kashmir Hindu Sanskars Rituals Rites and Customs - Som Nath Pandit.....
From “Kashmir is J&K” to “Maqbool Sherwani single-handedly saved Kashmir,” “Dogras committed atr.....
Bōbji is here! Nostalgia alert!Learn 123 in Kashmiri language while taking a shikara ride down.....
Bōbji is here!Learn ABC in kashmiri Language while taking a shikara ride down memory lane with your .....
Time to Moo & Meow.. Bōbji is here! Nostalgia alert!Learn about Farm-Animals in Kashmiri la.....
Kashmiribazaar Brings kashmiri Karamkand 2. .....
Kashmiri bazaar Brings kashmiri Karamkand 4.This book comes in two parts, so two books will be shipp.....
Buy Kashmiri Pann Pooza Vidhi book.....
This book, written during the pandemic, is the brainchild of the author, based primarily on the Kash.....
The proverbs included in this collection are concise statements that primarily draw wisdom from trad.....
Kashmiri Bazaar Brings Kashmiri Shaant Vidhi.....
KashmiriBooks.com Brings Kashmiri upanayan vidhi (उपनयन संस्कार) (उपनयन विधि).....
Kahsmiri Bazaar Brings Kashmiri Vivah Vidhi by Pandit Nath Ram Shastri......
Buy Know and Grow With Sanatana by Sanjay Tickoo.....
Koshur Praveshika (कोशुर प्रावेशिका) The first of its kind book to integrate Kashmiri Writing i.....
Buy Koshur Ramayana (काशुर रामायन) By Sarwanand Koul Premi (सर्वानन्द कौल प्रेमी).....
Colonel Chewang Rinchen, MVC**, SM, is rightfully hailed as the Lion of Ladakh. Starting as a young .....
Buy Maharagnisahasranamavali (महाराज्ञीसहस्रनामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Kary.....
Buy Mahimna Stotra (Mahimnapar) माहिम्नस्तोत्र published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay (.....
“MASHKOH: Kargil as I saw it” is a gripping first-hand authentic account of war stories of the ‘Mash.....
दुनिया में जन्नत कही जाने वाली जम्मू-कश्मीर की घाटी पिछले कई दशकों से अशांति और आतंकवाद की समस्याओं .....
My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir, the Twelfth Edition of which is now being released, is a land-mark .....
Kashmiri Bazaar Brings Navgrah Puja published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya written by&.....
This book The Odyssey of Kashmiri Pandits presents the pathetic life of Kashmiri Pandits i.....
Buy Kashmiri Panchastavi published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya and writted by Pandit Prem Nath .....
Buy Posh Diael published by Shri Poshkara Swami Sewa shram Laxmi Puram Colony.....
Buy Posh Puja (पोश पूजा) Published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay (विजयेश्वर पंचांग कार्य.....
Buy Sath Vechaar सथ व्यचार (Poetry Collection) by Ratna Dhar.....
SHARDA SCRIPTSharda is the oldest script used in Kashmiri Language and in ancient times Kashmir too .....
शारदा अक्षर ज्ञान - भाग १ Introduction to Sharda Script - Part 1 and 2 शारदा लिपि से प्रथम परिचयPubl.....
Buy Shardasahasranamavali (शारदासहस्रनामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay (व.....
Buy Sharikasahasranamavali (शारिका सहस्रनामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay.....
Buy Shiv Chalisa, Hanuman Chalisa, Shani Chalisa In Urdu.....
Buy Shiv Mahimnastotra published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya written by Pt. Omka.....
Buy Shiv Sahastra Namavali (शिव सहस्त्र नामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay.....
Shiv-Mahemnastotra-In-Kashmiri-Verses .....
Kashmiri Pandits Shraddh Vidhi by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyalaya written by Pt. Omkar .....
Buy Shree Sharika Leela Lahiri (श्री शारिका लीला लहरी) Published by Shree Shree Jagat Amba.....
9 Sikh was then deployed in the Naougam sub-sector under 104 Brigade/19 Divison, northwest of Srinag.....
Buy Surya Sahasranamavali (सूर्य सहस्रनामावली) published by Vijayshwar Panchang Karyelay (.....
But Vijeshwar book on Kashmiri Pandits Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Day.....
An insight into many untold facts describing the position of Kashmiri Pandits since the pre-indepen.....
This 500-page book is unique in the sense that unlike most books on Kashmir that primarily address e.....
History has its own ways of recording events and drawing inferences. It deals with the past, deliber.....
Operation Datta Khel, much like Operation Gulmarg that the British unleashed through the newly-creat.....
The use of religion to achieve political ambitions is nothing new; religion, as a tool, has been use.....
When Kaliyuga occurred spiritual masters & disciples became disappointed. They went hiding. So K.....
The Princely State of J&K was the largest among its 564 siblings. It had contributed immensely t.....